Fitness Training in St Petersburg Fl l 6 Simple Steps To Stop Eating Junk Food

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Happy Fall  from your Fitness Training in St Petersburg Fl & Transformation Specialists !

Over the last couple of years, we have been getting a reputation as  the best Fitness Training in St Petersburg Fl  who gets results when nothing else has seemed to work. 

Most people call it “amazing” , “magic” or “astounding” but the reality is, it’s nothing more than science and the systematic application of the 6 simple steps I’m going to share with you here.  Fitness Training in St Petersburg Fl

These tips have changed thousands of lives, been responsible for thousands of  pounds lost and redefined what people  over 50  think is possible. I know they will help you too …….if you apply them ! Fitness Training in St Petersburg Fl


 MORE FROM FAT LOSS U:  Personal Trainer Approved Pumpkin Recipes

As a St Pete personal trainer and leading innovator of Fitness Training and weight loss programs  in St Petersburg Fl for over 20 years I’ve seen the same pattern year after year.

If you are like many people, Halloween started you down a slippery slope of increased sugar cravings and junk food intake. For most people, it starts with those 1 or 2 pieces of Halloween candy and ends on January 1st with an additional 10,15 or even  20 pounds looking back on Holiday Pictures that make you cringe and a body that feels bloated and uncomfortable and ready for a “New Year’s Resolution”.

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I’ve noticed a lot of folks on my social media feeds already complaining about weight gain and  struggling with eating extra junk food and sugar so, today, I wanted to define “junk food” (it’s probably not what you think) and give you some simple steps to stop eating it.

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What I’ve also  been seeing is  a sharp decrease in the number of people at the gym, at Fitness Training programs  in St Petersburg Fl and  those out running and biking at at North Shore.   Usually missed workouts mean lapses and a downward spiral with food.


Studies have found that junk food may actually reduce your desire for a variety of foods which can trap you in a vicious cycle of unhealthy eating. The more you eat junk food, the more you crave it. Embrace these steps today and I guarantee you will be able to enjoy food, friends and Holiday festivities AND arrive in the New Year in a body that looks and feels amazing.

Let’s get real for a minute …. Junk food tastes good. Aside from the blood sugar and insulin consequences that cause you to crave more junk, you’ve probably noticed that when you eat most junk foods be it Doritos or Mc Donald’s French Fries or your Favorite Donuts, you crave more. There is a simple reason for this.

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Most food manufactures create their food like substances with artificial sweeteners and other ingredients that actually cause you to crave more of them.

Between this and a reduction of your desire for a variety of foods, it can be pretty daunting to kick the junk food habit.

MORE FROM FAT LOSS U: The Secret To Eliminating Carb Cravings

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 First lets start with What exactly constitutes “junk food”

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Here’s a conversation I had with someone a few days back while I was pumping gas. 


 She was telling me how she “ate healthy” and  couldn’t  drop the last 20 pounds. She  happened to grab a bran muffin to eat on her way to work. I asked her to pull it out and immediately turned it around to look at the ingredients and  nutrition panel.

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Like many  people, “Jan” was very confused about  what’s healthy and what’s “junk food”. There are a lot of foods out there  that may look great on the front of the package . They may say “fat free”, “100 calories” ,  “vegan”, “non gmo” or “gluten free” but if you turn the package around and look at the ingredients, it’s absolute garbage.

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Here is how to tell if something is “junk food”:

  1. If it has little to no nutritional value – If there is little to no protein or fiber and the vitamin % are at or near 0 , it’s junk food. 
  2. If it’s processed and packaged. Look at the ingredients, if it’s got several that you cannot pronounce and looks like a page from a chemistry book, I don’t care what the front of the package says, it’s junk food.
  3. If it says, “low fat”, “reduced calories” or “diet”, it’s junk food. Fat, sugar and “calories” are generally replaced with artificial sweeteners and other food chemicals created in a lab which our bodies were not designed to process and which have been linked to a myriad of health issues.
  4. If it contains a lot of sugar or salt it’s junk food.
  5. If it’s got hydrogenated oils, canola or soybean oil, it’s junk food. Fats like avocado, nut, olive and other fats  MUFAs are a wonderful addition to any diet and have been shown to provide many health benefits.Unfortunately, most food manufactures produce food in the cheapest manner possible which includes using the cheapest oil available. These oils are linked to a myriad of health issues and  inflammatory in your body which makes the bloat from a junk food binge even worse. 
  6. If it’s high in calories for the nutritional value, it’s junk food. So, what’s “high”.  Lets use the Bran muffin for example which most people would grab as a “healthy” choice.HALF of it was 300 calories . I am not a huge calorie person but if those calories are full of sugar or a sugar like substance, highly processed wheat and other ingredients that read like a chemical experiment, it’s junk food. So high in calories would be high in calories compared to  things  like fiber, protein and vitamins.

MORE FROM FAT LOSS U:  Snacks For Weight loss 

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Now, how to stop eating it:

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Drink a big glass of water and wait 15 minutes.

I know this  advice has been given as the be all of weight loss and it’s not. It is, however a very important component.  Often times thirst masks itself as hunger. Often times, after drinking 8 oz of water and waiting 15 minutes, you will find that you are no longer hungry. 

This will also give you a few minutes to HALT  

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 HALT – Ask yourself  “am I really hungry or am I hungry, angry, lonely or tired.   

Often times simply asking the question brings the realization  that you are not biologically hungry and that, itself, is curative. In my 23 years in the Fitness Training industry in St Petersburg Fl  and experience with almost 3000 people, I can tell you for fact, people usually head for junk food for one of the reasons above. 

  If you are angry, breathe deep, stretch, meditate, take a bath, play with your dog or anything else that will help you feel better .  Lonely, go for a 


Walk, Call Or Text A Friend Or Sit Down And Send Out Some Emails To Connect.  Tired, Drink Some Water, Do A Few Push Ups Or Jumping Jacks To Get The Blood Flowing.

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 If You Are Really, Biologically Hungry, You Are Ready For Step 3. 


 Focus on adding instead of taking away.

A study in by NCBI showed that focusing on the positive side of healthy eating is more effective than focusing on the need to remove junk food.

Greek  yogurt with fruit and nuts (when I want something sweet),  fruit and cheese or nut butter (when I want salty) or a couple of eggs are my quick, go to snacks. The more healthy foods you
Add In, The Easier It Will Be To Crowd Out The Unhealthy Ones.

If You Tell Yourself That “None Of Those (Wholesome) Foods Sound Good”, The Reality Is You, My Friend  Aren’t Really Hungry.  You’re Craving Man Made Garbage (Which They Perpetuate With Man Made Ingredients Designed To Keep You Craving Them) So, It’s Really Not Your Fault But You Need To Be Aware To Break The Cycle And Get Back On Track Now.

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Eat more protein and fiber.

Protein and fiber  make  you feel full and keep blood sugar level even. Fill your diet with healthy sources of protein including: eggs, yogurt, nuts and nut butter.

When you’re full, there’s less room — and less desire — for junk food.

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Get rid of it..  simple as that. Fitness Training in St Petersburg Fl


Keep It Out Of Your Car, House And Office.  So, A Lot Of Our Members Have Kids And Families So I Often Hear “But My Kids”, But “My Husband”…  To That I Say “Who’s In Charge” ?  Your Kids Eat What You Buy Them.  On That Topic, Why Are Your Kids Eating Processed Food    like substances which will set them up for a life time of  man made food cravings.  There is nothing wrong with a processed treat here and there,.  You can keep your house junk free and go out and grab something if the mood strikes. The point is, don’t make it easily accessible.


Most of our members find that when they start switching their kids over to healthier alternatives like greek yogurt with fruit and nuts , cheese sticks or fruit and cheese or apples with nut butter, home made trail mix, the kids don’t really miss it at all.  They will adapt to what you give them.


Now for the members who say to me  .. “absolutely not, Dianne. My kids and husband, have to have it…. Buy single serving packs.   This is a great time to teach them about the 80/20 rule, single servings and working junk food into a healthy diet. 


Then,  pick a “designated junk cabinet” high up and out of  your regular eyesight  to store it.  Pick a cabinet that you and your family  do not regularly open for other things . Out of sight, out of mind really is a “thing”.

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 Take the first step and be consistent.  I sent out a newsletter to our subscriber list about stepping out of your comfort zone and taking that first uncomfortable step that can change your life.  Most of these things may sound foreign to you and maybe a little scary.  Vow to take the first step today.  So, the first day you go without ANY junk food. Nothing from a package, no refined sugar, nothing that reads like a chemistry book.  It’s going to feel weird and you may feel terrible.

The second day it will be easier and the third even easier still and it will


get progressively easier as your body adjusts and kicks out all of the garbage and your mind starts embracing the new habits.  I guarantee that your body will actually start to CRAVE the healthier, more wholesome foods and you will stop craving your favorite junk food.

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After every challenge we’ve run for the past 2 years, people have said that their carvings went away  within the first 2 weeks… usually after the first couple of days of their detox and that when they got to their unstructured day (or meal), their favorite food didn’t taste as good as they thought it would and that they felt horrible the next day.


So, there you have it. 6 simple steps to stop eating so much junkfood . If you’ve gotten a little off track during Halloween, nip it in the bud NOW and get yourself back on track to CRUSH your fitness goals

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Want More Tips  Like These PLUS 30 Member Favorite Holiday Recipes That Won’t Keep You From Your Fitness Goals PLUS 14 Pages Packed With All Of The Secrets, Tips And Strategies That Have Helped Our Clients Enjoy The Holidays Without Weight Gain?

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Just CLICK HERE To Download Yours Now.

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Committed To Your Success & Awesomeness,

Dianne Villano, Your Personal Fitness & Transformation Expert

Fitness St Pete I Tierra Verde Fitness

P.S. Hearing from our readers is one of the best parts of my day. Drop a comment if you have any questions or just to let me know what you think about this or let me know a topic you want me to write about!


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