Best Personal Trainers In St Pete I How To Stop Over Eating in 10 Simple Steps Pt1

Happy Spring from St. Pete’s Best Personal Trainers & Weight Loss Experts !

Here at Fitness St Pete I Tierra Verde Fitness and over the previous 20 years  with Custom Bodies, this is the time of year that people come flooding into our  group fitness training and weight loss programs on a quest to look and feel better in their spring and summer wardrobes and have more energy and confidence to enjoy all of the amazing activities this time of year has to offer.

Over the last couple of years, we have been getting a reputation as St. Pete’s Best Personal Trainers who get results when nothing else has seemed to work.

Today, I want to share with you the first 5 of 10 “secrets” we teach our group training members to eliminate over eating …. for good, or at least, most of the time. Yes, these are the same ones which produce 5 – 12 pound weight loss in a few weeks without starving or taking pills or shots 🙂 

“Self-control” is a struggle for many people, especially when it comes to food.

We know that eating too much food can lead to weight gain and put us at risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

For most of our in home & outdoor park private personal training and group fitness training members, it has held them back from reaching their fitness and weight loss goals and, often times negatively impacts their self esteem and mental well being.

Overeating at one sitting or taking in too many calories throughout the day are common habits that are easier to break than most people realize.

First, lets talk about  the physiological factors I’ve seen as primary culprits of “no will power”. For most people, taking care of these, takes care of the majority of there over eating. 

1. Pack in the Protein 

The majority of members with whom I sit down, are not getting nearly enough protein. When I say  “majority”, I mean 85 – 90%. No, I am not recommending any of the trendy, high protein, eliminate all carbs and eat cheese and pork rinds because they aren’t carb diets.

We recommend 30% of your total daily calories come from lean protein along with complex, nutrient dense carbs of all kinds. Eat a protein source at EVERY meal and try to incorporate some into snacks.

Protein helps keep you full throughout the day and will decrease the desire to overeat. Eating protein-rich foods is key to keeping cravings at bay and fighting hunger.

Many studies show that eating a high-protein breakfast has been shown to reduce hunger and snacking later in the day along with reducing over all calories

A high protein breakfast like eggs over the traditional “oatmeal” has been shown to lower levels of ghrelin which is a hormone that stimulates hunger.
According to another study, adding higher-protein snacks such as Greek yogurt to your routine can also help you eat less throughout the day and keep hunger under control.

MORE FROM FAT LOSS U: The Secret To Eating More & Losing Weight

2. Get 25 – 35g of Fiber a day

Choosing foods that are high in fiber like beans, quinoa, oats and fruits like raspberries and black berries will help you feel satisfied longer and will stabilize your blood sugar levels. Replacing snacks like granola bars or pretzels with nuts or nut butter and fruit, adding beans to your salad, and eating vegetables high fiber veggies at every meal will help reduce the amount of food you consume throughout the day.

MORE FROM FAT LOSS U: TEF, Your “Secret Fat Loss Weapon”

3. Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Even 

We know that eating things like white bread, cookies, and other highly processed carbohydrates cause your blood sugar levels to spike, then fall quickly causing more sugar or carb cravings but, did you know that eating other high glycemic sugars like fruits by themselves will also have the same effect? This rapid blood sugar fluctuation has been shown to promote hunger and can lead to overeating.

By swapping out high processed carbs with snacks made from oats or quinoa and eating your fruit with a fat or protein, you will keep your blood sugar levels even and help eliminate the spikes  that can lead to over eating.

MORE FROM FAT LOSS U: How To Eliminate Carb Cravings in 5 Simple Steps

4. Eat Lots Of Healthy Fats

High-fat foods are often associated with weight gain and overeating but it’s about choosing the right fats in the right amounts. Eating plenty of MUFAS (AKA Heathy fats)can actually help you eat less. More than a few studies have shown that adults who consume high-fat, low-carb diets are less hungry three to four hours after meals and lose more weight over time than people who consume diets high in carbs and low in fat

Healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds,(which are also full of fiber and nutrients killing 2 birds with one stone) nut butters and olive oil to your diet may help you feel more satisfied after meals and reduce overeating.

A word of caution, one of the biggest issues I see with people who “eat healthy” or “organic” and can’t lose those last 7 – 12 pounds, is either inadequate protein intake or improper portions of  their fat servings.

MORE FROM FAT LOSS U: How to Create a Fat Blasting Food Plan That Won’t Leave You Hungry

5.  Eat Regular Meals

Most people limit themselves to salads or veggies or cut out meals entirely in the hope that it will decrease the number of calories they take in and will help them lose weight.

While this can be beneficial in the short term ]like intermittent fasting or a detox/body reset, restricting meals long term may cause you to eat more later in the day or worse, go on an eating binge that can last for days …. or indefinitely.

Studies have demonstrated that eating more frequently throughout the day may decrease hunger and overall food intake.

If you are like some of our clients, you may try to skip breakfast or lunch to restrict calories, only to find yourself becoming an eating machine in the evening.

Research shows that eating balanced meals throughout the day will lead to fewer calories consumed at dinner.

be sure to check out tips 6-10 where I will give you5 simple tips to cover the emotional/environmental side of over eating by clicking the blue title to the left.


If you want to take the guess work, calorie counting and stress out of achieving a body that looks and feels awesome this summer while you avoid crash diets, Our Signature 14 Day Rapid Results Program  is a done for you Success Plan with 2 weeks of done for you meal plans, tasty recipes, success manuals and unlimited access to our pros and most successful private clients and group training members in our private members only Facebook Group.

It’s going to teach you how to eat more, train less and turn your body into a fat burning machine while giving you the direction and accountability you need, plus you will get a ton of support . The 14  Day Rapid Results Program  has  10 Spots Available for the right, motivated people and. Just Click HERE to apply and see if you qualify.

Committed To Your Success & Awesomeness,

Dianne Villano, THE Fitness & Transformation Expert For YOUR Over 50 Body

Fitness St. Pete I Tierra Verde Fitness

P.S. Hearing from our readers is one of the best parts of my day. Drop a comment if you have any questions or just to let me know what you think about this or let me know a topic you want me to write about!

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