Personal Trainer St. Pete l How To Avoid Super Bowl Weight Gain

 How To Enjoy  Super Bowl Without Weight Gain 

Can you even believe we’ve arrived at Super Bowl 2024 already?

So, here we are, the first major challenge of 2024! The FSP Personal Trainers in St. Petersburg    have been going over strategies all week with our clients. Super Bowl Sunday is the second biggest food holiday in the U.S. after Thanksgiving and for many, the final nail in the coffin of their fitness resolutions.

Americans will eat approximately  1.3 billion chicken wings and consume 160 million avocados (most likely as guacamole, of course) and it is always great excuse to eat processed junk food  like pizza, chips, dip, soda, and desserts. And, let’s not forget the alcohol.

For many people it’s the final nail in the coffin of their “New Year’s Resolution” to get fit, lose weight and regain their health but it doesn’t have to be.

Most research shows that more than half of people will abandon their fitness/weight loss related resolution by the 2nd week of February (6 weeks). I have no scientific proof of this but have always thought there was a correlation between this and Super Bowl.

It’s the beginning of the end for  most people with Valentine’s day coming less than 2 weeks later and all of the decadent chocolates and dinners out.

If you are like most people, you set an intention that in 2024 you are going to put yourself first you were  going to put yourself first and FINALLY reach your fitness and weight loss goals.

Sadly , 25 % will quit within the first week. The other 75% are  cruising right along,  then ……BAM, an event comes along like the Super Bowl… and they find themselves  heading to a party or hosting guests.

Personal Trainer St. Peterburg, Florida

Parties and events  can send us back to our old habits and move us away from our goals  if we aren’t careful.

Personal Trainer St. Peterburg, Florida

Let’s face it, there is always going to be a holiday, birthday, party, event, or social gathering that is happening. If you are going to be successful in achieving your health and fitness goals you MUST learn to navigate and handle these situations so when better to start learning than the first “holiday” of the year?

You absolutely CAN enjoy parties without completely sabotaging your goals and setting yourself on a course that can lead to no good.  It’s a simple matter of using your brain and keep your priorities in order and creating a plan BEFORE you “get caught up” in the festivities.

This week we spent time making sure our group fitness  training  member and  St. Pete Personal training clients are armed with “healthy” Super Bowl recipes that don’t suck AND rock solid plan to get through the parties and events without having this week end be the beginning of the end for their  fitness and weight loss resolutions.

Today I want to share both with you :

Don’t get me wrong, I am NOT saying that you need to be 100% consistent with a food plan at all times to achieve your goals. If you’ve been around a while, you know I am a huge fan of the 80/20 rule when it comes to food.

HOWEVER, I can tell you for fact that the ONE THING that separates those who reach their goals from those who don’t is making the effort is to learn how to navigate and handle these situations!

These Two Questions Can Literally Be The Difference Between Staying On Course Towards Your Goals Or… Not


Ask Yourself This:

“Is eating _________ worth it to me right now?”

“Am I going to enjoy __________ without wishing I hadn’t indulged because it was there?”

When I used to go to Super Bowl parties,  I always planned it to be an “unstructured” day and made a plan to enjoy my favs while mitigating damage employing the 80/20 Rule. I do this at many social gatherings to have  the freedom to enjoy my favorites at any event without guilt because I know it’s planned in.

Minimize the alcohol – This is a big one because people tend to lose their inhibitions regarding food as alcohol consumption increases.

Simply commit to alternate an alcoholic beverage with water, choose light beer or choose vodka in a sparkling water.

Focus on protein and fat first and carbohydrates second – If you are headed to a Super Bowl party choose the foods that are high in protein and fat first then choose “smart carbs” like vegetables and fruits. Leave the processed, high sugar carbs alone.

Eat before you go – This is helpful for any event or party you attend.  If you are following a more structured nutrition plan right now you may just want to eat before you head out to the party. While at the party you can focus on the people, the game, and the great commercials while noshing on some veggies.

Start your day with  a quick workout to fire up your metabolism – Most people also tend to feel better (and eat better) on days they work out. You can check out one of  our member favorite fat blasting, body sculpting bodyweight workouts.  Be sure to leave a comment on it and let me know what you thought.

Get your mind right –  Before the time arrives, DECIDE and choose to focus on the social connection, the people you are surrounded by, and what you enjoy about an event like the Super Bowl rather than letting food and alcohol control your experience.

Visualize your experience – Beforehand, take a few minutes to visualize the experience you want to have. Picture yourself in the situation, how do you feel? Most successful athletes visualize their performance in big games setting them up for success.

Fill your plate in advance with your choices and pick off it through out the event so there is no mindless eating and calories to sneak up on you.

Bring a dish or 2 to the event if you aren’t hosting the party. If you are, there are plenty of fabulous options to keep your guests happy without ruining all of your hard work . Here are some of my favorite gluten free (but not taste free) dishes !

Personal Trainer Approved Super Bowl  Recipes:


MORE FROM FAT LOSS U:  The Secret  To Eliminating Carb Cravings

 Committed To Your Success & Awesomeness,

Dianne Villano, The Fitness & Transformation Expert for YOUR Over 50 Body

Fitness St. Pete I Tierra Verde Fitness

Personal Trainer St. Peterburg, Florida

P.S. Hearing from our readers is one of the best parts of my day. Drop a comment if you have any tips to add  or just to let me know what you think about this!

Personal Trainer St. Peterburg, Florida

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