Weight loss programs St. Petersburg l Mike L


Personal Training In St. Petersburg Case Study: Michael Littlefield

Member Of the Quarter Q3 2016

“I have less lower back pain, knee pain and neck pain. I sleep better and am on the path to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. I feel like I have gotten control of my health again. It’s a great feeling!”

Watch the video below to hear his inspiring story and check out his profile for more details.

Mike is the guy every fitness professional wants in their group fitness training or In-Home & Outdoor Park Personal Training Programs.  He always trusts the process and encourages all around him to do the same which they can’t help but do as they follow his amazing  results !

He always comes in with a great attitude regardless of what else is going on, finds a way to get in his workouts (even on vacation) and is always a source of mentorship for new group personal training and weight loss members !  Down over 25 pounds and closing in on 30, (during the holidays) he IS what our programs are all about!

I will let Mike  tell you the rest of his story …

Where did you grow up? Indianapolis, IN

Hobbies/Interests outside of camp? Reading, traveling, kayaking, anything to do with the beach and water, theater, movies and real estate.

Favorite Fitness St Pete  exercise? Hahaha….is there one? If I had to choose, I would say…Planks on the TRX

Least favorite Group Training exercise? Suicides, plain and simple.

How has your program compared with your expectations?  It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be, but in a good way. I’m hooked. Best decision I ever made was to go back to working out with Dianne again. What kinds of results have you achieved so far? I’m more confident about my appearance and not afraid to push myself to achieve the results I want for my physical and mental health.

How long have you been doing a  Fitness St Pete Weight Loss  Program and why did you start? 7  months. I used to work out with Dianne years ago and got excellent results. I stopped working out eventually…fast forward 15 years and I was totally out of shape, tired, a big bulging belly and 50-60 pounds heavier. I knew I needed to do something to take control of my health again. You go back to what you know and what works and that would be trusting Dianne with my fitness and health goals.

How has your fitness level/health improved since becoming a Fitness St Pete Group Weight Loss member ?  I have more stamina and can do the exercises without becoming exhausted so early in the sets. I feel better overall. My blood pressure was high even though I was on medication. Now it’s normal with medication and I’m on the way to hopefully getting off the medication altogether through healthy, natural eating and sticking with the boot camps.

What are the two or three biggest benefits you’ve experienced since becoming a group member? I generally feel better overall. I have less lower back pain, knee pain and neck pain. I sleep better and am on the path to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. I feel like I have gotten control of my health again. It’s a great feeling. I feel like I look better too. The visceral fat around my mid section is drastically reduced.

Please describe how your Fitness St Pete  Group Weight Loss  Program has specifically helped you achieve success with your fitness level, fitness goals or health: I think the camp holds you accountable with the other people in the Group. There is also a sense of camaraderie, encouragement and good natured bantering. All of this helps me to keep showing up to achieve my goals.

Tell us an interesting or unusual fact about yourself:  I’m a twin and my brother and I don’t look alike.

What would you say to someone on the fence about making a change & committing to their goals? I would say do it, hands down. Don’t wait. Like anything else in life, beginning is hard but it gets easier the more you do it. Take the initial step, keep showing up to the camps, follow the plan and it will become ingrained and a part of your life.

IF YOU’VE BEEN INSPIRED BY MIKES STORY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE about our PROVEN nutrition system that doesn’t just get weight off but KEEPS it off without starvation diets, icky drinks, strange supplements or insane workouts, CLICK HERE to take the 1st Step.

Committed To Your Success And Awesomeness,
Dianne Villano – The Fitness & Transformation Expert For Your Over 50 Body

  Have you met our Member of the Quarter Q1 2017? Diane dropped 20 pounds, countless inches and looks and feels better than she has in YEARS ! Check out her inspiring Group Personal Training & weight loss story ! 

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