Personal Trainers St Petersburg Member Spotlight: Lisa Mastropieri

Personal Trainers St Petersburg Fl. Case Study: Lisa Mastropieri : Member Of The Quarter Q3 2017

Approaching 60, with a health scare  and being in the worst shape of her life, Lisa came into our 21 Day Summer Shape Up Challenge , trusted the process,  has since all but eliminated her aches and pains, increased her energy and strength and has reclaimed her body. Watch the video or read the transcript below to hear the inspiring story of  how this 60 year old eliminated shoulder pain, grew stronger and changed her life !

At 59, she had a cardiac scare and was in the worst shape of her life. 

 I have more energy, sleep like a rock and can throw the Frisbee to my dogs again! I feel kind of like a new a new person…… a new Lisa! “

As a personal trainer for over 20 years, I have to say that Lisa  is the kind of member every trainer dreams of having  in their group program.  She came in with a few fears and doubts but trusted the process and became part of the Tierra Verde Fitness tribe without missing a beat.

Weight loss wasn’t her top priority but she managed to drop a few pounds on her way to becoming a stronger, healthier version of herself!

When someone’s life is transformed, it can really be a difference maker far beyond the number on the scale.

ERIK: Hey, I’m Erik Rokeache and today I’m here with Lisa Mastropieri and she is another fascinating amazing client over at Tierra Verde and she’s here today to talk about her story but not just that we’re gonna dive into the experience.

I’m curious to know the results you’ve seen and what everything else has been like so Lisa thanks so much for taking the time to come on here something I appreciate you doing it.

: sure

ERIK:  okay so let’s let’s step back we were talking before we recorded you hopped on board about seven months ago so what was the issue what were you looking to overcome what was the big challenges that led you to signing up with Tierra Verde Fitness Personal Training.

LISA: The big challenge for me was that I actually had had a cardiac issue several months before that and it was more of a scare and so I ended up retiring from work.

I was in the worst shape of my life I was at a point where I had a very bad shoulder injury and I couldn’t even throw the frisbee for my dog so you know.

Dianne’s feed came up on Facebook and saw it and I thought well you know what I’m gonna give her a call and I went up and tried it and I loved it!

ERIK:  so it was a combination of all those like you said the cardiac issue knowing that you’re just kind of falling out of shape and then you said  “alright I’ve had enough”  and timing is the way things work.

Okay now I’m guessing right when you called because you know you had some concerns there was some health issues and you weren’t in the best of shape probably nervous going in.

LISA:  I was very nervous going in but Dianne had assured me that I would be able to fit right in she’d take me step by step worked me up to what I wanted to be at and we go from there so and everyone was was at a similar level.

ERIK: so they did a good job of kind of bringing you into the program. Did they make you feel comfortable really quickly?

LISA: very much so. The trainers were super focused on every individual in the class which was nice. It was a small group it almost felt like you were having, you know, individual training so that’s what and I really I’ve never done individual but that’s what it felt like it.

ERIK: so you’ve got this program…. what’s the atmosphere like you have the individual energy but, what’s the energy the feeling like being a part of it with everybody else?

LISA: the energy was great every everyone was pumped up to meet this challenge that we had for ourselves.

We simply all started out with a three-week challenge and we were just pumped up to do it and get it done and get better.

I was just excited to be there every day and I think everyone else was too!

ERIK: and so as time progressed right,  you’ve been there now for about seven months or so, how is that evolved as it is they’re more social connection with people like what is it grown into now?

LISA: yeah well,  it’s become a great place for us to all to get support and I look forward to it. I don’t think I would go unless I had that group to go to everyday or whatever the class is and it’s just it’s just, everyone is just very supportive of each other and it has gotten a lot bigger.

ERIK: is it, maybe, I don’t know if it’s the right phrase… is it kind of like a family?

LISA: it in a way. I mean each of us we’ve come to know each other so well that we do communicate with each other when we’re not in class about ….basically about fitness or what we’re eating and that type of thing and so we have gotten to know each other that way.

It’s written so you start out wherever you’re at at your own level and you work your way up to whatever you want to be.

ERIK: okay, so, step by step by step and now does it come across where sometimes people see these and they get a little scary like “there’s no way I can do this” but they’re doing these exercises so do they modify things if someone does have an issue or an injury?

LISA: yes. In fact the personal trainers during class will watch us and walk around correct any form that you might have that that needs to be corrected.

It’s very individually oriented so yeah anybody can do it okay.

ERIK: let’s see if you miss a class or missed a session do you kind of get that poke where maybe you’re missing it cuz working out is working out right it’s hard it’s not necessarily fun but you’re missing it and having a good time with it

LISA: exactly. In fact, I always check in with my classmates. If I’m not gonna make it I’ll send them a text message and say yeah I’m not going to make it today because I get to do such-and-such. I feel a part of that group yeah and I sort of feel like I owe it to them.

ERIK: did you expect going in to have this type of connection; this type of feeling to it?

LISA: no I didn’t and I I’ve tried classes a long time ago and it just wasn’t for me because I felt like a fish out of water for some reason.

ERIK: okay so what would you say is the biggest difference then happened before….like what do you think compared to then and now… what’s what’s been the difference?

LISA: I think it’s it’s the trainers and the attention that you get in the class and they’re very focused. They care about your success and about how you feel every day…. If you have any injuries going on you. They’re very very attentive to you that’s probably one

ERIK: That’s one of big reasons right that’s kept you there but the other big reason is probably the results. You’ve gone in so what types of results have you seen since you’ve been a part of part of Tierra Verde Fitness? LISA: the results have been fantastic! I have basically gone from a real flabby body to a much more stronger healthier body. I joined so that I
could actually do some hiking out in Glacier National Park and I made that trip.

To be honest with ya, I wasn’t sure I was gonna come back to the class after my my hiking trip. But, uh, you know but I missed it so I came right back to that class.

ERIK: you talk about maybe not being in the best of shape so were you coming in to try and lose some weight as well?

LISA: I was. I think I lost about 5 pounds or so so that felt really good. It was pounds and inches that I lost.

ERIK: now the thing I’m really interested in is you had a cardiac issue. Have you seen doctors since you’ve joined? What have you noticed?

LISA: it’s helped in that area it’s helped tremendously. It ended up that the cardiac issue was totally due to stress so all my stress has been relieved by getting out and taking care of myself.

I just had neglected it I was working at a very sedentary job at a computer and I just neglected it for years so so doing this is….. I wouldn’t say eliminated it…. it’s almost impossible to eliminate all stress. It’s just been fantastic!

ERIK: so it’s made it easier to get through the days and other things that pop up and you know, the tough situations that happen in life. So, what are some of the other side benefits in this process? You’ve gotten healthier. How about sleeping patterns, energy, confidence? Have you seen anything in those departments?

LISA: I do have more energy and I sleep like a log which I didn’t used to and my shoulder is is completely better!

I couldn’t even throw the frisbee for my dog when I started this class and now I wouldn’t even know I had an injury so that was taken care of through a lot of exercise and the trainer paying attention to that injury.

I feel kind of like a new a new person…… a new Lisa!

ERIK: as you’ve seen a difference and confidence and this as you’ve grown there, do you feel like you can accomplish more challenge or tackle things that maybe you know you wouldn’t have done before?

LISA: yeah I think so I do feel more confidence and yes as far as other outdoor activities.

ERIK: so you’ve gone through this you you’ve, I mean, it sounds like you’ve had just a radical shift.

LISA: yeah almost like a complete 180 at a very different direction

ERIK: would you go as far as to say that this may be be life-changing for you?

LISA: Yeah.

ERIK: so you’ve gone through this you’ve got this amazing support group you’ve got great results not just you know the health side of things but also right you’re sleeping better as you mentioned confidence is better.

If you were to pick out one thing, what’s been your favorite what’s been the biggest thing for you to make the biggest impact on you?

LISA: probably energy and strength….. energy and strength. I’m so much stronger than I was …. mm-hmm definitely so much stronger than I was.

ERIK: good yeah and doing things you probably weren’t able to do before?

LISA: yes absolutely, yeah I mean, I like to kayak and now I can lift the kayak.

ERIK: very cool now let’s say let’s say maybe there’s somebody who was in a very similar situation where you were seven months ago and they’re here and they’re like “this sounds amazing; this sounds like a really cool place” but they’re still on the fence like they’re thinking of joining but they’re 50/50….. what would you want to tell that person help push them off the fence?

LISA: you know  I think I’d say to just give it a try. You’re given all the tools that you need in the program and you just need to give it a try.
Take that first step and once you take that first step….. come to the class I think you’ll find all the support that you need to keep going

ERIK: I think it’s been really cool short period of time. You’ve done a lot … not just you lost weight, like you’ve changed your life completely
and I think that’s just been fascinating to see this. You’re much healthier, you’re much happier and I just want to wish you continued success moving forward.

LISA: thank you very much.

ERIK: all right thanks again. Take care


If you’ve been inspired by Lisa’s  story and want to learn more, click the button below.

Committed To Your Success And Awesomeness,

Dianne Villano

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