How To Maintain Your Weight Loss Results

Personal Trainers In St. Petersburg Fl. Reveal How To Maintain Your Weight Loss Results

Without Sacrificing Your Social Life Or Giving Up Your Favorite Foods

You’ve reached your fat loss goals, CONGRATULATIONS!

Now what the heck do you do?

As the go to personal trainer for men and women over 50 in St Petersburg & Tierra Verde people often come to me as a last resort to help them step off the dieting merry go round and lose their weight for good. Being the person folks  come to when they’ve “tried everything and nothing worked”, I rely a lot on science, keeping it simple and easy changes to get the results others can’t.

Today, I want to give you the “secrets” that the “diet” industry doesn’t want you to know and hopes you will never learn to keep that billion dollar a year industry going strong.

The answer isn’t as simple as just going back to the habits that caused your weight gain to begin with. The idea that you can just “go back to normal” is the reason most people fail to maintain their weight loss.

Once you lose the weight, you can’t simply go back to what you were doing before BUT you also can’t simply stay on a “diet” forever because “diets” often restrict (calories, time of eating, food groups) to get a result but aren’t sustainable and don’t truly create new habits.

See, weight is a symptom of lifestyle (either healthy or unhealthy) and lifestyle is a reflection of your daily habits so, going “off” your diet because you hit your goal and reverting back to your old habits is just going to lead you right back to the weight you were when you started your “diet”.

So, what the heck do you do? That’s a topic for a whole different blog post but,  assuming you’ve picked a “diet” that’s sustainable and made other lifestyle changes along the way, you still can’t stay at the same caloric deficit or the same exchange split (AKA: Macros) to  maintain or if you’ve set new goals.

A body that looks, feels and performs it’s absolute best all starts with understanding your body’s energy requirements and the fact that you cannot out train a bad diet. That’s why we set “desk dates” with our clients every -6 weeks to adjust their food intake relative to their goals, activity level and progress.

This is why learning about and understanding your body’s energy requirements and food exchanges(AKA: Macros) is a key component of all of the Fitness St. Pete Personal Training & Weight Loss Programs.

Understanding your body’s energy needs and exchanges allows you to understand the fundamentals of what you need to get a result and then gives you the ability to adjust as you maintain your results while enjoying your life.

Maintaining your results is a process itself and there has to be a transition into it.

Once you reach your goals, you’ve got to create a new “normal.” (one that doesn’t include “dieting” and includes your favorite foods and a social life.) So if you’re closing in on your goal, here are some tips so you can MAINTAIN your results for LIFE!


1. Realize you can’t ever go back to old habits.
2. Understand your body’s energy needs and how that equates to any food.
3. Change one unhealthy habit at a time.
4. Understand that even maintenance means adjusting.
5. Be sure one of your new habits is to lift weights to maintain your muscles and keep your metabolism up

If you need more help, be sure to check out my post  How To Create A Healthy Food Plan in 5 Simple Steps where I’ll walk you step by step.

Committed To Your Success and Awesomeness,

Dianne Villano – THE Fitness Expert For Your Over 50 Body
Fitness St. Pete I Tierra Verde Fitness

P.S.  Check out Diane’s  amazing weight loss program transformation story to see how  she used this strategy to drop 40 pounds while travelling for work and enjoying an active social life!St

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